Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Giraffe Baby

Some people are giraffe people and some people are dog people. We all love different things and that’s ok. If you’re a giraffe person, then you are in luck. There is a riddle going around facebook right now that has to do with giraffes. The way that it works is as follows. You get a riddle from a friend and you have to answer it. If you answer it correctly, then you go about your life as usual and enjoy your regular avatar. If you get the answer wrong, however, then you change your profile pic on facebook to a giraffe. It can be a drawing of a giraffe or it can be giraffes together in the African safari. You can feel free to use any of these giraffe images for a profile pic, or find a wide selection of free giraffe pics HERE. This is a great way to feel exciting about something new on facebook and to see if you can enjoy giraffes like so many other people do. Of course, if you get sick of the giraffes after a few days, you can always go back to your regular avatar and enjoy your profile pic on facebook again.
baby giraffe